Wed Jan. 29 "The Shredder"


1) 4 Sets
3 Banded Pull Ups
3 Kneeling Medball Slams

2) 18 Min. AMRAP

10 Cal Bike
8 Pull Ups
6 Alternating DB Snatches
4 Push Ups
Rest 1 Minute


1) Strict Weighted Pull Ups

4 Sets:
3 Strict Weighted Pull Ups
3 Kneeling Medball Slams

2) The Shredder

For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
40/32 Cal Bike
40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30/24 Cal Bike
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)
20/16 Cal Bike
200’ Handstand Walk
10/8 Cal Bike
100 Double Unders


1) The aim is to make the pull ups progressively harder after each set. You can add weight as you Following each set, you will complete 3 kneeling medball slams. Be aggressive in those slams and watch your face as the ball bounces back up.

2) This is a chipper style workout. For any movements that don’t include a bike, choose weights/variations that allow you to finish it in roughly 2:30. Snatches are heavier today, switching arms each rep. You can scale handstand walking to 8 wall walks or 200’ bear crawl.

Extra Credit

Seated Dumbbell Curls
2 Drop Sets
8 Heavy Reps
10 Moderate Reps
12 Light Moderate Reps
No Rest between 8-10-12, but 3 minute rest between the 2 drop sets

Jason TrinhComment